Laura 25th April 2020

Memory from John's friend Brian Farrelly Some people will never lie down. It was hot and sultry in the bar John appeared in the door come on he said I've got a car running on the road ! We followed him past the guard room and there it was a bit of a banger ticking along nicely. John jumped in and revved it up a bit, I noticed he.had no foot wear ! He pulled.away bucking and jumping Bernie said I didn't know you could drive mate ? The answer came back " I can't " this is my first time. The speed picked up and soon we were climbing up the Twisk which ran around Lions Rock to the new territories. On the one side we had a sheer cliff face on the other a stomach churning drop to the canyon far below. A low wooden fence all that was between us and the hereafter. The car was playing up a bit eventually it stopped ! Think the petrol's running out said our driver scratching his head ! I'll turn her around and we'll go back ! Yes we thought that was a good idea ! There was three of us in the back only John in the front. When he reversed the thing bucked jumped and hit the low barrier. We were left see-sawing up and down and staring round eyed at the valley far below. It was like that Michael Caine film where they had to crawl slowly over the front seats ! We made it on wobbly legs and now stone cold sober. It was a long walk back to camp ! No one used Johns taxi service again.